This translates to Mommy and three little ones at an appointment today and everything went GREAT! Mireya's counts are increasing. We still have a couple of areas that are holding their ground, but lower than expected. We continue to work through the dosing of her meds hoping to strike the right balance to see all of her numbers in a favorable range. A few of the medications require compounding which all pharmacies are not equipped to do. At least not for quite a few of hers. Westbury Pharmacy is great,but a bit of a hike. They are open every night until 11pm and deliver for a nominal fee of $3. It doesn't hurt that they have a 'Cookout' just across the way. That banana pudding milkshake is enough to make you want to drive over there as often as necessary. So the way I see it is that $3 delivery is saving me a couple of dollars and lbs.
Mireya has developed a bit of an annoying cough and a runny nose. We're watching her closely and believing we'll have no fever associated with this. Reya was her usual super helpful self. Helping to draw her labs and flushing her lines. She let us all know that 'flushing her lines makes her excited'. I just don't know what to make of this fascination with flushing her lines. Perhaps we have a future Dr. on our hands. Today was our quickest appointment to date. God answers prayers because this was not the day for a long appointment with three kids. The children were at the threshold of getting antsy and suddenly we were released. We didn't even get through the entire Barbie "The Nutcracker" today. Thank you Lord for orchestrating the flow and structure of this one so perfectly.
Ms. Claire stopped by to see us and she brought Mireya some really cool sparkly stickers. By the time we reached the elevator those stickers had been pretty evenly disbursed to each sibling. Continue to keep us in your prayers especially this week as we battle through this cough and other symptoms. God is faithful and continues to carry us through. Moments of weight and heaviness come, but he always shows us a bright spot and that is what we hold onto.
1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
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