It's been a long day and I'm walking around in a blur. Paris is officially moved and settled in at LC. This is such an awesome time for her. I'm so happy and proud. I almost made it out of there without an emotional meltdown, but a funny thing happened at the curb as I was about to get in the car. I have given her lots of hugs and felt pretty secure that any tears that wanted to join the sendoff would at least wait until we got around the corner and out of sight. It just didn't go that way, but it's all good.
Paris' roommate is a lovely girl. We had the chance to meet and talk with her family as we worked to get them moved in. Paris will be great and I will be fine. It definitely felt odd not to have her walk in from work or hear her in her room. Jalen has called dibs on her room. Does it really start this young? I tried to explain to him that she will be back, but he said he just wants to have it for a few days and then he'll move back to his room. Then Mireya started throwing her pitch about wanting it to be her room. Well let me throw my pitch in, I want another house. So now that we've staked our claim and gave our closing arguments, let's all go to our respective places in this house and shut it down.
The Transition team has them pretty busy all week, but we'll look forward to skype or ovoo, text messages, brief phone calls and the art and fun of sending our first care package....to Paris with love.
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