Late last night Mireya's hair and scalp started really irritating her. She would scratch or pull at it and hand it to me as it came out. She woke up this morning with a considerable amount of hair on her bed and pillowcase and it was still bothering her. It appeared to be dry, prickly and itchy. She couldn't keep her hands out of it and acted as if she just wanted to pull it all out. I decided to try and moisturize her hair to minimize the irritation. I combed out her first braid and it literally was like 'combing it out' by the handful. There was just a small patch left. It was quite a disturbing sight. The Cancer Center offers a service called Massey's Magic Touch that specializes in the 'Deluxe Cut'. I'd made a pact with Reya prior to entering the hospital that I would cut my hair if she had to cut hers. And just like that Mireya and I are now sporting a couple of new, no fuss hairdos. She is beautiful!
Hair today gone tomorrow or is it hair yesterday and it doesn't matter so much today. Thankfully it's just hair and it will grow back! All in the name of love and wellness.
Wow! Just one more selfless act. My son was older than Mireya when he fought that battle. One day I went into his room he just announced, "I decided that I would take it off before I let chemotherapy have any more of it." He had shaved his head! But it never occurred to me to shave mine (LOL).
ReplyDeleteI am ministering in MI this week and leave for Kenya, East Africa next week. So, I will be praying and staying touch electronically while I am away. Praying that God infuse you with continuous doses of His love and His peace as you face what must seem like a raging storm! Love you all!
Pastor ("Dean") Young
I love this! You're right it's just hair - a little extra decoration that can grow back. It does not determine who we are on the inside, and that is what truly matters most. You are a wonderful mom and Mireya is blessed to have such a beautiful (inside and out) family!
ReplyDeleteI have been wearing my hair short/bald for 18 years now and I have been loving it all that time. Shorts cuts are cool....
ReplyDeleteRalph and I are in constant prayer for Team Bolton.
God Bless...
Venus, you are "Phenomenal"! Your posts to your Blog, your sweet spirit along with how you're allowing GOD to direct you spiritually, emotionally, mentally & most importantly as a mother, wife & friend. You have inspired me and I'm sure many others, to dig deeper & examine our relationship with the Almighty God. You and your family are living testimonies of how powerful & important it is to have and exhibit FAITH! God couldn't have chosen a better family to demonstrate courage, love and patience. You are definitely proving the cliche that "you are what you eat". Keep eating from the bread of heaven so that it may sustain you. And in sustaining yourself, you're sustaining & inspiring others to do the same. I love you guys! Please tell Mireya hello & Denzel and I will continue to pray for restoration of health & spirit!
ReplyDeleteI just want to echo what Sharon Palmer said. Venus, you are such a blessing and an inspiration to me. Your strength through Christ is a testimony and an example for someone like me who is truly just starting to tap into the power that the Lord makes available to us all when we seek Him. God bless you and all of Team Bolten, now and always.
ReplyDeleteTonight I showed my kids pics of Mireya and her siblings so they could know and understand who we are praying for. We r all on your team and will continue to pray and offer our support!
ReplyDeletelooks good on you!
ReplyDeleteyou both are absolutely beautiful!!
I find myself literally getting up in the morning to see what selfless act you performed now. You are such and inspiration to so many. I continue to pray for you and Mireya. I continue to be strengthen by your constant support. Oh and by the way, you ladies look fabulous!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the love, support and prayers. I'm enjoying the cut! Reya got up this morning looking for her hair to grow. I told her maybe by the time she is 5. Her new prayer is for 5 to hurry up and come.
ReplyDeleteYou are two gorgeous girls! Thank you for sharing your story, your courage and your deep faith. You are an amazing mom! I'm praying for your sweet little girl.
Thank you Jill!!!
ReplyDeleteI will keep you and your family in my thoughts during this difficult time. Hang in there.
Thank you so much Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteVenus - You guys look so BEAUTIFUL!!! Truly I am inspired by your faith and your selfless love for your children. I love you :). Lisa-Renee