Huey Lewis and the News (1985), talk about how the 'Power of Love' makes the world go round. Israel Houghton's, 'The Power of One' (2009) was designed to spark a fire inside of people (one by one) so that they can understand that the God inside of them will empower them to change the world.
Our world has been changed as we witness 'The Power of Love' shining through the hearts of so many. It is a beautiful thing. We have marveled at the outpouring of love received by so many. It's difficult to wrap our arms around and it often feels very overwhelming, because we realize no one 'has' to do anything. To see and experience kindness, love and deeds at this level is beyond words and honestly, we've struggled with receiving and feeling deserving of it all. My Aunt shared with my husband during one of his moments, since we were having such a hard time receiving, perhaps they should pray that no one does another thing.
I recently connected with a Mommy friend I've not seen in a few years since she and her family moved to North Carolina. After her own personal bout with cancer and chemo, she opened a Specialty Boutique that sells wigs, fun head wraps and an assortment of hats. We were in touch last week and she expressed that she wanted to send some things to Mireya from her shop. Ironically I received the items she sent yesterday. Prior to our admission, I had picked up a few scarves and hats just in case we would need them. She sent us some really fun head wraps and an adorable hat to keep Reya's head warm. Reya loved them.
A couple of weeks ago, I met a woman who
One of the Child Life volunteers came by yesterday to see if Mireya wanted her to sit with her and play while Mommy got a break. Believe it or not, Reya said 'yes' and I grabbed my purse and ran out of the door before she changed her mind. They had a great time together. She has offered to come back two days next week to see if she can sit with Mireya again. We'll see what next week brings, because we all know by then Reya 'could' flip the script and act as if she never met her and none of that fun ever happened. She gave Reya a new game they could enjoy playing together.
Connor's Heroes dropped by with a goodie bag of things for Mireya. I had the chance to meet the young lady that volunteered her time to decorate Mireya's room. She dropped off a special gift (a new DS game) for Jalen and a beautifully framed certificate for being a "Super Hero" and donor for his sister. They are so awesome. Reya has received so many great things from family and friends to help keep her warm, occupied, looking cute, and to past the time away. She also received a handpicked "Preschool Pack" from a special little friend in South Carolina (Hi Tessa). Our dear friends, also from SC, sent a Princess pack for Reya this week that she has spent hours playing with. A couple of FFC Warrior friends dropped by to bring both Jalen and Reya gift bags stocked with many of their favorite things. In addition, the Arts and Music program dropped off some activities, crafts and a few tiles for their Mosaic of Hope wall.
My husband's friend and co-worker has brought over games, activities and fun things from his family for Mireya to do while she's in the hospital. She also received a beautiful shawl from his church Bethia United Methodist Church. They have a special ministry that makes beautiful shawls. As they are crocheting them, they pray over the shawl and for the intended recipient (this takes being wrapped in love and prayers to another level) and I love it! A member of my husband's Management team and his family put together a awesome tote that was full of all things Princess. Really unique and awesome princess playsets, stickers and princess activities, but the most precious thing was beautiful handmade cards for Mireya from his children, who have never met her. It was a so special for them to add that personal touch.
Playdates for Jalen and sitting for Kinley have been so helpful during this time. Paris will be going away to college in a few weeks. Grandma took her out to purchase all the items she would need to complete her 'dorm room look'. A family very dear to us had arranged before any of this happened to take Paris out shopping for school. Armed with her list and personal experience from putting their own kids through college they purchased just about everything left on her list. Speechless and totally overwhelmed I just wept and said 'thank you'. She and her Godmother also have plans to get together to put a dent in some of the remaining items needed. What a blessing to have 85% of her needs taken care of. Thank you Jesus and thank you friends and family.
Thank you for your sacrifice of time and seeing to it that we are fed both at the hospital and at home. This has been a tremendous blessing!!! While visitation is pretty much a wrap right now, thank you to the few family members that have come to sit so we could go eat or have a break. Another major blessing, has been the coordination of house cleaning services, not only because we're juggling so much, but it is key in preparing for Reya to come home. I have also been so touched by several little ladies I had the joy of knowing and working with when they were Paris' age and younger. I have watched them all grow into beautiful young women and how special is it to have them reach out to us during this time.
Blessings, blessings, blessings! I am so happy for all the love and support you have around you. I am happy that you are able to see, recognize and appreciate it, even if it is at times difficult to accept.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for your little princess. I'm praying for you. I'm praying for your family. God bless.
Thank you so much Susan for your prayers. It means so much. God said he would not leave us nor forsake us and it has been absolutely beautiful to see so many people come together to be such a tremendous blessing to our family.