Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

It's Christmastime and we are about to move into a new year.  2011 has been quite a year for the Bolton family.  One that overwhelmed us with uncertainty and sadness but was overturned with hope, goodness and an expected end.   This is a year we will never forget.  Our lives were turned upside down, but each day we did our best to enjoy being right side up.  We have a renewed outlook on everything in life, a greater appreciation for each other, and an increased level of faith, because God has been so incredible in our lives.

We pray for the many families that have walked in these shoes and those just suiting up for the fight.  Our journey is not over, but the worse days are behind us.  Our children have shown admirable strength and resilience through it all.  Mireya is our (s)hero and our warrior.  Words cannot express how grateful we are for her life.  Give thanks, smile more, pray often, do your best to serve others and don't take your life or the life of those around you for granted.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....2012 is going to be one of the BEST years of our lives!

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