Monday, September 10, 2012

Life & Monkeys

Our last appointment was a positive one.  The GCSF has helped to increase Mireya's counts.  Her magnesium still lingers, so we'll up the frequency of the IV Mag at home.  Mireya has also developed a slight on again off again cough.  We will need to restart the pentam in about 10 days to help fend off pneumonia.  Her tac level came down considerably and now is below normal.  This count is a mystery...26.6 to 6.9?  Mireya looks good, sounds good, and hasn't displayed any of the markers for GVHD (Graft vs. Host Disease). Thank you Lord!

Mireya will start Homebound soon.  Her kindergarten teacher has volunteered to be her Homebound teacher which is really exciting and a blessing.  We talked to the ASK team this week about Mireya, school and the " Monkey in My Chair' program.  I'd received information about the program from another clinic mom, whose sweet little girl also started Kindergarten this year.  'A Monkey In My Chair', was created to allow kids in treatment to remain included and connected to their class.  I was disappointed when registering to find the program was only extended to children with Cancer. Diagnosis aside, this is something that would be wonderful for any young child going through treatment that prevents them from attending school.  I really love the concept and had been thinking about how we could possibly incorporate something similar for Mireya while she is away from her class.  From the hearts and through the connectivity of some very thoughtful people, this sweet Monkey found his way to us (some rules and restrictions are meant to be bent just a little). We're all in this together, and definitely wish none of our kids had to deal with anything having to do with chemotherapy, transplants or with life threatening appended to it. I'm super happy she'll be able to take advantage of this program until she can physically join her class next year.

We're thankful for stabilizing counts and continuing to pray for an increase in Mireya's ANC, hemoglobin, platelet and white cell counts.  Everything is working together for our good.  We're standing on that word. Thank you Lord for continuing to do what only you can do....sustaining and preserving life.  Living (L) Intentionally (I) Fully (F) and Expectantly (E).


  1. Praise God. We continue to stand with you in faith! God is more than able.

  2. yay to breaking the rules sometimes! and, to counts that continue to improve! still thinking and praying for yall!

  3. I love "Monkey in the chair!" Awesome! I also love how you are your family continue to stand stronger and stronger in your faith. God is good, All ways and Always! Love you! Sara

  4. I love the monkey in the chair! It is great that Mireya has one in her chair♥
