Friendship is a beautiful friends, life long friends, girlfriends, sister friends, mommy friends and the list goes on and on, but does anyone have a BFF with a Y Chromosome?
Growing up I was a 'bit' on the boys team. You could typically find me riding bikes, playing 500 or football with a group of boys. I always rolled with girls, but felt comfortable in either crowd. When I lived in Panama, I had a really good friend named Johnny. We were cut buddies. We'd spend days playing video games at the arcade, climbing trees, playing football, exploring the jungle and just having fun. Remember the days of good ole' platonic boy/girl fun? When I moved back to the states I hung out with a group of guys as a member of a breakdancing crew (don't ask, but we were serious and traveled around performing). My first trip to Canada was with those guys. Shout out to Ronnie and Marc!!
When my family settled here in Virginia, my BMF (my best male friend) was Tony. Young bloods having fun back in the day. Family gatherings, card games, rollerskating, dancing, club hopping, and playing tennis almost every day. Tony is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. Our friendship changed somewhat when he got married and I was not a big fan of the shift in dynamics. I was really selfish about what I felt was an intrusion on our friendship. I'm happy to admit I got a dose of reality once I was married. Several years went by where we'd lost contact, but once we reconnected I had the opportunity to apologize for being so selfish and not understanding my place once those vows took place. I love Tony and his wife. They are the same awesome and fun couple they were back then. Life just doesn't allow us the time to get together as much as we'd like to.
When I moved to New York I had an ace boon coon named Sam. Everyone needs a Sam in their life. Sam is a friend that will always have your back, always tell you the truth whether you like it or not and always be there to help you along the way. We've had some major life moments together and even though he now lives on the opposite coast, we are still close and can go right back to the good times in the NYC.
When I returned to Virgina and jumped back in the corporate scene, I had two very close male friends. There were very few woman that worked in the IT arena at that time. On our project out of 100+ males, there were less than 10 of us. Ed and I were like yin and yang at work. Breakfast, breaks, lunch, breaks, hitting the gym after work and then start all over the next day. This friendship was one that if Facebook were in the mix and either of us said 'in a relationship' people would have instinctively thought 'those two', but we were just really cool like that. Thomas and I were super close too, weekly lunches, deep conversations, work trips, tennis matches, softball games, etc, Over time I lost touch with both of these guys, but I have since located them both (thank you Facebook) and they are doing all sort of fabulous things.
Has anyone ever had that male friend where you crossed that line romantically and you should have just left it alone? Most times it's not worth the curiousity and other times you realize wow this was a mistake let's just go back to being friends and it might be salvageable?! Running out of that phase, along came the new guy on the project who became my ultimate most favorite person in the world, my husband.
Many know the story, I tried to marry him off to his college girlfriend and hook him up with my sister. I'm so glad none of that worked. I thought Quentin was a great person from the first day I met him. He is screamingly hilarious. Don't let the initial quiet factor throw you. There was so much I admired about him as a person that after I'd tried all my shinnigans to set him up I realized once he moved to another team internally, how much I missed having him around and in my life on a daily basis. I told my best female friend I was going to marry him or someone like him. Two years later our paths came together and we never looked back.
Quentin is definitely by super best friend with a Y chromosome. I look foward to seeing him, talking to him, laughing with him and he is always the person I want to call first when something happens or goes on. I look at Paris and ironically she is the same way (imagine that)?! Loved by the girls and treasured as 'that girl' with her male friends. Every girl should have a Johnny, Tony, Sam, Ed, and Tom in their lives. These were all friendships that were significant in allowing me to recognize and appreciate the road that led me to love and the ultimate friend for life, Quentin. I think if 'Made of Honor' had come out back then, I would have considered any of these guys in that role, but I'm so glad that each of them were able to share in the happiness and joy of our wedding day. Shout out to all my BMF' life has definitely been touched and blessed by you in your own way. Love and blessings to each of you! Friends 4 Ever!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
First Visit Home
She hasn't been gone long and but I already miss her all over again. I made sure to hug her extra good and tight to last until she is here again in a few weeks for Fall Break. It's funny how you are so excited to have them come home and they are even more excited that other friends are home and everyone wants to connect and get together and it's hardly ever possible unless someone plans a big 'hey everyone's back on break let's get together gathering'. I guess we have this to contend with for the next few years. But we enjoyed every moment we did have. I'm so proud of my girl and can't wait to jump on skype tonight to chat it up.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Day 70
Our appointment this week was a bit long. I've been spoiled over the last few weeks of getting blood work done, a quick exam/review and receiving results later in the day. This appointment took hours and there really wasn't anything out of the ordinary that was done. Just one of those days where there are tons of people to see and to few people to handle the masses.
One of our favorite stops at each appointment is seeing Ms. Roz. If there was anyone you know with every part of your being is in the right place, it's Ms. Roz. She is the first person the children see each week. Ms. Roz check heights, temperatures, lets you know if you need to add some fries with that shake, adorns you with a green bracelet (registration armband) and rewards you with the stickers of your choice for being a good patron. This week Mireya was up a pound, so no shakes needed. During those few important moments spent with Ms. Roz, she radiates joyful happiness and will always bring a smile to your face with her gentle and loving demeanor. Reya enjoys seeing Ms. Roz, especially when she has Princess stickers and even if she doesn't she still enjoys it and Hello Kitty will do. Mireya also got a really cute cap as a part of the ASK Kourageous Kids Program. They held a 'Hats Off' event where they collected over 1,000 hats representing kids going through treatment.
A few counts are causing some head scratching, but overall Reya is doing well. That pesky cough has returned on the scene and was bothersome enough to send us back upstairs for another chest x-ray. The x-ray did not indicate pneumonia, but did show peribronchial cuffing which they believe is due to a reactive airway. We have another new contraption to administer medication for this situation and hopefully we'll see a marked improvement before our next appointment. 30 more days and we will reached the 100 day mark. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
When you Wish Upon a Star
The Make A Wish team came by to meet Princess Reya and begin the process of designing a wish consisting of who? what? where? and when! That line of questioning took us straight down a path to Disney World to meet none other than Princess Aurora, Mireya's favorite princess. The volunteer team arrived with a special 'Make A Wish' Barbie doll for Mireya. She was so excited about this beautiful new barbie to add to her collection. The kids were on 'all energy' for the entire interview. You'd think we'd not been out the house much or had very minimal interaction with people. Hmm...sounds familiar? There were tons of questions to answer. Mireya's second wish choice was a family beach trip. We weren't able to take our planned beach vacation this year and Mireya told me repeatedly in the hospital how she wanted to go to the beach. Can I interject and make that a international beach trip to Turks and Caicos? I know I continue to digress, so back to making a dream come true for Mireya.
Disney is apparently one of the most popular wishes amongst the little ones. I've never been but have several friends that have done Disney many times and love it. We had plans to do Disney this past Spring Break, the week of Mireya's birthday, but ended up changing those plans because of a conflict. We thought about when we could possibly do it again, but hadn't revisited it. We were in Orlando back when Paris was about eight years old and decided to do Universal Studios and Adventure Island instead of Disney. Nickelodeon was really big then. Somehow we were selected for one of those Nickelodeon game show segments and I also got picked out of the audience for an Animal Planet piece that concluded with me and another woman holding an albino burmese python. I wanted to pass out, but we had a lot of fun at both parks.
Disney would be a first for all of us. Mireya's loves the Disney Princesses, but it wasn't until after she had her transplant that she realized there was actually a place call Disney World. We'd never mentioned the impending trip to the kids, in the event we didn't go, but if you recall, I used going out of the room to look up all things Aurora as a privilege for getting out of the bed and walking around. In the beginning we found a lot of animated videos and songs, but one day Mireya saw a little girl meeting Princess Aurora while at Disney World and she was hooked on the notion you could actually go somewhere and meet Princess Aurora. It will be a treat when she realizes Princess A hangs with a crew of girls namely, Cinderella, Snow While, Tiana, Belle, Ariel and Jasmine.
We're not sure when her medical team will allow for such a journey, but it will be something really awesome to look forward to. The volunteers left, but the smile on Mireya's face remained well into the next morning when she told me how happy she was to meet Ms. Tammy and Ms. Kim and receive her special wish Barbie. She continued to tell me all throughout the day how happy she was to receive her wish. She believes the 'Make A Wish' barbie doll was her wish. She will be so surprised when the time comes to actually go to Disney and meet the princesses. I'm super happy for Mireya. What an amazing blessing it is to have something so special planned just for her.
Over the years I've made pledges and donations to the 'Make A Wish Foundation'. To date over 212,000 wishes have been granted and every 40 minutes a new wish is granted. That is truly amazing!! I never imagined I would be on the receiving end of a wish come true, but I'm thankful for an organization whose mission is to give hope, strength and joy to a child suffering through or recovering from a life threatening illness. Thank you Make A Wish Foundation!
Disney is apparently one of the most popular wishes amongst the little ones. I've never been but have several friends that have done Disney many times and love it. We had plans to do Disney this past Spring Break, the week of Mireya's birthday, but ended up changing those plans because of a conflict. We thought about when we could possibly do it again, but hadn't revisited it. We were in Orlando back when Paris was about eight years old and decided to do Universal Studios and Adventure Island instead of Disney. Nickelodeon was really big then. Somehow we were selected for one of those Nickelodeon game show segments and I also got picked out of the audience for an Animal Planet piece that concluded with me and another woman holding an albino burmese python. I wanted to pass out, but we had a lot of fun at both parks.
Disney would be a first for all of us. Mireya's loves the Disney Princesses, but it wasn't until after she had her transplant that she realized there was actually a place call Disney World. We'd never mentioned the impending trip to the kids, in the event we didn't go, but if you recall, I used going out of the room to look up all things Aurora as a privilege for getting out of the bed and walking around. In the beginning we found a lot of animated videos and songs, but one day Mireya saw a little girl meeting Princess Aurora while at Disney World and she was hooked on the notion you could actually go somewhere and meet Princess Aurora. It will be a treat when she realizes Princess A hangs with a crew of girls namely, Cinderella, Snow While, Tiana, Belle, Ariel and Jasmine.
We're not sure when her medical team will allow for such a journey, but it will be something really awesome to look forward to. The volunteers left, but the smile on Mireya's face remained well into the next morning when she told me how happy she was to meet Ms. Tammy and Ms. Kim and receive her special wish Barbie. She continued to tell me all throughout the day how happy she was to receive her wish. She believes the 'Make A Wish' barbie doll was her wish. She will be so surprised when the time comes to actually go to Disney and meet the princesses. I'm super happy for Mireya. What an amazing blessing it is to have something so special planned just for her.
Over the years I've made pledges and donations to the 'Make A Wish Foundation'. To date over 212,000 wishes have been granted and every 40 minutes a new wish is granted. That is truly amazing!! I never imagined I would be on the receiving end of a wish come true, but I'm thankful for an organization whose mission is to give hope, strength and joy to a child suffering through or recovering from a life threatening illness. Thank you Make A Wish Foundation!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Oh Brother
Our dear wonderful brother, we love walking you to the bus stop in the morning. We cry and are sad when you leave. Somewhere between walking back home and crossing the threshold of the doorway our minds are in the zone....The Girl Zone!
As you are putting your lunch box and backpack away, we are putting on Princess dresses and picking the Princess movie of the day. Monday - Snow White, Tuesday - Tangled, Wednesday - Cinderella, Thursday- Aladdin, Friday - Princess and the Frog or something like that. You have one resource period a day, while we're certain to incorporate reading, music and art on any given day.
There's snack time, lunch time and the 'often resisted' nap time. I know your glad you did away with those long ago. By the time we wake up it's time for our second favorite time of the day, walking to the bus stop to pick you up. We love that your not to cool to get of the bus with smiles and hugs us. Hearing all the things you learned and did are fascinating, and we can't wait until we are old enough to ride the bus to school.
For now we'll enjoy hearing all about the adventures of school and we'll keep our fun times and adventures between the us. What happens at home while your away, stays at home even when you come back. There are days you are sad because you have to go to school and will miss us, or maybe it's because you think your 'missing' out on all the fun at home. We won't ever admit, you are! Welcome home oh dear wonderful brother. The Girl Zone is definitely over when you arrive. We can now look forward to watching 'Walking with Beasts', playing Dinosaurs and Princesses or having you chase us around on all fours like an indricothere or hyenadon. Big Brothers Rock!
As you are putting your lunch box and backpack away, we are putting on Princess dresses and picking the Princess movie of the day. Monday - Snow White, Tuesday - Tangled, Wednesday - Cinderella, Thursday- Aladdin, Friday - Princess and the Frog or something like that. You have one resource period a day, while we're certain to incorporate reading, music and art on any given day.
There's snack time, lunch time and the 'often resisted' nap time. I know your glad you did away with those long ago. By the time we wake up it's time for our second favorite time of the day, walking to the bus stop to pick you up. We love that your not to cool to get of the bus with smiles and hugs us. Hearing all the things you learned and did are fascinating, and we can't wait until we are old enough to ride the bus to school.
For now we'll enjoy hearing all about the adventures of school and we'll keep our fun times and adventures between the us. What happens at home while your away, stays at home even when you come back. There are days you are sad because you have to go to school and will miss us, or maybe it's because you think your 'missing' out on all the fun at home. We won't ever admit, you are! Welcome home oh dear wonderful brother. The Girl Zone is definitely over when you arrive. We can now look forward to watching 'Walking with Beasts', playing Dinosaurs and Princesses or having you chase us around on all fours like an indricothere or hyenadon. Big Brothers Rock!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Family Fishing Fun
The Starlight Foundation is an organization that provides entertainment, education and family activities for seriously ill children in the United States and their families. Starlight sponsored an event this weekend entitled "Go Fish" for any of the Hemoc Familes that wanted to participate. Each family was assigned a Fishing Professional for guidance, instruction, baiting hooks, releasing the catch and ensuring you had a good time. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I heart fishing. The event was held at a well stocked private pond in Hopewell. There were about twenty families in attendance and drinks, snacks and lunch was provided for everyone. The weather called for rain most of the day, but 'Go Fish' was a go, rain or shine. It did rain, but the fish are already wet so it didn't matter to them. Mr. Stewart was the Fishing Professional assigned to #TeamBolton. He runs a Charter Fishing business down in the Chesapeake Bay area.
Mere minutes into the fishing excursion, Jalen caught his first fish, a Sunfish (Bluegill/Bream). Mr. Stewart taught him how to bait the hook, cast and retrieve the fish. The rod was a big as he was but Jalen caught on to reeling them in. We're so glad Mr. Stewart encouraged Jalen to try a regular size rod as opposed to the kiddie rod. He believed Jalen could handle it and as a result wouldn't have to relearn using a new rod as he got older. Mr. Stewart was awesome. Jalen is not a big fan of worms, but by the end of the day he was a pro worm handler and a pretty good angler. He caught about eight fish (Crappie and Bream) in total and was so excited about his fishing adventure. Daddy didn't do so bad either, he caught about six fish (including one deemed photo worthy by the coordinators). We'll have to see if that photo shows up online or if we can get a copy of it. Quentin really had a good time too. As for Mommy the fishing enthusiast, she'll have to wait until next time to catch a fish.
Starlight and the sponsors of this event gave each little angler a bag of goodies and their very own fishing rod. Jalen woke up this morning asking if we could go fishing. I love it!! Thank you Starlight Foundation! Thank you to Fishers of Men and the Parks and Recreation Professionals that made this happen. Time to get fishing poles and licenses for everyone so we can go out and enjoy doing it again and again. One step closer to camping and the Bolton's Great Outdoors Adventure.
Mere minutes into the fishing excursion, Jalen caught his first fish, a Sunfish (Bluegill/Bream). Mr. Stewart taught him how to bait the hook, cast and retrieve the fish. The rod was a big as he was but Jalen caught on to reeling them in. We're so glad Mr. Stewart encouraged Jalen to try a regular size rod as opposed to the kiddie rod. He believed Jalen could handle it and as a result wouldn't have to relearn using a new rod as he got older. Mr. Stewart was awesome. Jalen is not a big fan of worms, but by the end of the day he was a pro worm handler and a pretty good angler. He caught about eight fish (Crappie and Bream) in total and was so excited about his fishing adventure. Daddy didn't do so bad either, he caught about six fish (including one deemed photo worthy by the coordinators). We'll have to see if that photo shows up online or if we can get a copy of it. Quentin really had a good time too. As for Mommy the fishing enthusiast, she'll have to wait until next time to catch a fish.
Starlight and the sponsors of this event gave each little angler a bag of goodies and their very own fishing rod. Jalen woke up this morning asking if we could go fishing. I love it!! Thank you Starlight Foundation! Thank you to Fishers of Men and the Parks and Recreation Professionals that made this happen. Time to get fishing poles and licenses for everyone so we can go out and enjoy doing it again and again. One step closer to camping and the Bolton's Great Outdoors Adventure.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Life Threatening & Life Loss
A life threatening illness and/or it's diagnosis will instantly throw your life into a tail spin. Week in and week out, I see so many lives that have been altered by aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, hodgkin's lymphoma, neuroblastoma and other childhood cancers and blood diseases. I see very innocent, yet courageous, kids who are fighting for their lives and parents that are doing all they can to take care of them, provide the best medical care they can and give them some semblance of normalcy.
I love Mireya and I know we are blessed. I believe with everything in me she is cured and we will continue to reach milestones and take strides over hurdles until we reach the end of this race victorious. I spent most of the night crying my eyes out as I learned through little Emily's Mom of two little angels that lost their battles this week to cancer. One is a beautiful ten-year old girl named Faith, who like Mireya, loved all things princess and was also dubbed a 'Warrior Princess'. The other, an adorable five-year old girl named Gabby who just after three short months passed away from brain cancer. I don't know either of these families but my heart is broken for them. I can tell from their pages and sites that these precious little lives have touched and reached many. I didn't get much sleep and I've been consumed by the pain I know these families are going through.
There is nothing that prepares you for the diagnosis of a life threatening illness and certainly not for the loss of your child. Hug your child(ren) tight, tell them you love them and cherish every moment you have with them. The good ones, the bad ones, the ugly ones and everything in between, regardless of their age. Make those wrongs right. Tomorrow is not promised. My personal prayer is that everyone know Christ as their personal savior because outside of the life we are not promised on earth, we are promised eternal life with Christ. It's a simple confession.
Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Christ, the Son of the living God and that You died on the cross for my sin. You say in Your word that if I confess my sins and ask forgiveness, You are faithful and will forgive my sins and remember them no more. You will not hold them against me and You will give me everlasting life. Come into my heart, I receive You now and make you the Lord of my life. I thank You for the blood You shed on the cross just for me. In Jesus name, Amen
If you said that prayer, it's a blessed assurance! If you're not at a place to do so or you don't have full understanding of what it is to be a Christian and have a relationship with Christ, I encourage you to get connected. I'm not the officiant on Christianity, but I am counted in that number and I love the Lord with all my heart, soul and strength. I don't know where I would be without him in my life. I don't know how I would have endured all that has transpired in our lives this year without Christ in my life. There is so much more I could go into here, but let's keep it simple and to the point. My heart has been so heavy. I don't take this lightly, it is extremely important to me. We all have faults and no one is perfect. We miss it some times, but God forgives us. He extends his grace and mercy to us beyond what we deserve, but that's the kind of God he is. God is love and I strive every day of my life to share and extend love to others and in turn I have been so fortunate to be on the receiving end of God's love for me and my family exhibited through the hearts and kindness of so many.
My heart goes out to these two families who have lost their precious little girls. My thoughts and prayers are with them as they find the strength to endure this. Live your life intentionally, let go of things that, in the grand scheme, just don't matter! Don't sweat the small stuff, be thankful and give thanks for your life and the lives of those you care for so dearly. Smile (your on Candid Camera), be kind, show love and most of all, have compassion for others because you never know what someone else is going through. You have the power to make a difference!
I love Mireya and I know we are blessed. I believe with everything in me she is cured and we will continue to reach milestones and take strides over hurdles until we reach the end of this race victorious. I spent most of the night crying my eyes out as I learned through little Emily's Mom of two little angels that lost their battles this week to cancer. One is a beautiful ten-year old girl named Faith, who like Mireya, loved all things princess and was also dubbed a 'Warrior Princess'. The other, an adorable five-year old girl named Gabby who just after three short months passed away from brain cancer. I don't know either of these families but my heart is broken for them. I can tell from their pages and sites that these precious little lives have touched and reached many. I didn't get much sleep and I've been consumed by the pain I know these families are going through.
There is nothing that prepares you for the diagnosis of a life threatening illness and certainly not for the loss of your child. Hug your child(ren) tight, tell them you love them and cherish every moment you have with them. The good ones, the bad ones, the ugly ones and everything in between, regardless of their age. Make those wrongs right. Tomorrow is not promised. My personal prayer is that everyone know Christ as their personal savior because outside of the life we are not promised on earth, we are promised eternal life with Christ. It's a simple confession.
Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Christ, the Son of the living God and that You died on the cross for my sin. You say in Your word that if I confess my sins and ask forgiveness, You are faithful and will forgive my sins and remember them no more. You will not hold them against me and You will give me everlasting life. Come into my heart, I receive You now and make you the Lord of my life. I thank You for the blood You shed on the cross just for me. In Jesus name, Amen
If you said that prayer, it's a blessed assurance! If you're not at a place to do so or you don't have full understanding of what it is to be a Christian and have a relationship with Christ, I encourage you to get connected. I'm not the officiant on Christianity, but I am counted in that number and I love the Lord with all my heart, soul and strength. I don't know where I would be without him in my life. I don't know how I would have endured all that has transpired in our lives this year without Christ in my life. There is so much more I could go into here, but let's keep it simple and to the point. My heart has been so heavy. I don't take this lightly, it is extremely important to me. We all have faults and no one is perfect. We miss it some times, but God forgives us. He extends his grace and mercy to us beyond what we deserve, but that's the kind of God he is. God is love and I strive every day of my life to share and extend love to others and in turn I have been so fortunate to be on the receiving end of God's love for me and my family exhibited through the hearts and kindness of so many.
My heart goes out to these two families who have lost their precious little girls. My thoughts and prayers are with them as they find the strength to endure this. Live your life intentionally, let go of things that, in the grand scheme, just don't matter! Don't sweat the small stuff, be thankful and give thanks for your life and the lives of those you care for so dearly. Smile (your on Candid Camera), be kind, show love and most of all, have compassion for others because you never know what someone else is going through. You have the power to make a difference!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Back to School
Jalen started school this week. School was closed several days due to the hurricane. Classroom notifications literally came out the day before orientation last week. It was fun to message, text and check Facebook to see whose child was assigned to what teacher. Jalen only ended up with two former classmates, both he liked a lot and had the chance to spend time with over the summer. I couldn't believe not one little girl from last year is in his class. He was sad that his favorite two girls would not be with him this year. I'll miss their sweet faces and beautiful personalities too this year, but we now have 21 new friends to make this year. I've heard nothing but great things about Jalen's teacher and we enjoyed meeting her last week.
We had the opportunity to communicate about Mireya's health and our concerns with illness and hand washing in class and just hoping she would help us out as best she could. Both she and the principal were fabulous. They had a brief sit down with the school nurse and formulated a letter to the parent's in Jalen's class about the importance of hand washing and kids staying home if/when they are sick, especially the risks due to Mireya's suppressed immune system. Jalen was not named in the letter, but parents were informed of a 'classmates' situation and the importance of maintaining as healthy a environment as possible so the sibling's health and progress would not be compromised. Kudos to the Teacher, Principal and Nurse for understanding how important this is for us and taking that extra step to ensure parent's were also aware. Knowledge and awareness is half the battle.
This is always that week of getting back into the groove and resistance. The girls want to get on the bus and Jalen wants to stay home because he thinks the girls are at home having more fun than he is. Overall we've had a great week and we're looking forward to an awesome school year.
We had the opportunity to communicate about Mireya's health and our concerns with illness and hand washing in class and just hoping she would help us out as best she could. Both she and the principal were fabulous. They had a brief sit down with the school nurse and formulated a letter to the parent's in Jalen's class about the importance of hand washing and kids staying home if/when they are sick, especially the risks due to Mireya's suppressed immune system. Jalen was not named in the letter, but parents were informed of a 'classmates' situation and the importance of maintaining as healthy a environment as possible so the sibling's health and progress would not be compromised. Kudos to the Teacher, Principal and Nurse for understanding how important this is for us and taking that extra step to ensure parent's were also aware. Knowledge and awareness is half the battle.
This is always that week of getting back into the groove and resistance. The girls want to get on the bus and Jalen wants to stay home because he thinks the girls are at home having more fun than he is. Overall we've had a great week and we're looking forward to an awesome school year.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
On Track
![]() | |
On the grow and still blonde in some areas |
Reya's hair is starting to grow. Each day there is a little bit more than the day before. Of course we make a big deal about it and she continues to ask me if it's growing like Rapunzel. I tell her it will be back before she knows it. The Princess Aurora band aid cures all things, even a rambuntious little girl, full of energy that bangs her head on the edge of a door. Thank God her platelets are almost 300k.
Say an extra prayer for Emily and her family this evening. Emily was admitted to the Bone Marrow Unit for her second stem cell transplant. Emily was diagnosed with neuroblastoma a few days before Christmas and she has been fighting every since then. Nothing is to difficult for God! He is able to do the miraculous and that is what we are believing for.
It's Childhood Cancer Month and there are many activities going on this month to bring awareness and support to cancer and kids. Hopefully you were able to enjoy and support one of the many 'Cookies for Cancer' locations today. Connor's Heroes will be sponsoring Diggity Fest on Sunday, September 18th at Westchester Commons. Tickets are still available for this awesome family event. Richmond's own Diggity Dudes will be in concert along with Hope Harris and Dan Zane. For more info click here
We continue to rejoice in the progress Reya is making and we remain prayerful for our friends and all the kids we see in clinic each week. Praying for others is vital to our own spiritual growth.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Count Your Blessings
I had the awesome opportunity to speak with a lady I'll call Ms. Caroline. Ms. Caroline saw the 'Acts of Kindness' piece on Channel 12. She contacted my church with the desire to get in touch with us. Over 40 years ago she was diagnosed at age 7, with Aplastic Anemia. She 'happened' to catch the 'AOK' segment and was instantly reminded of the time in her life where everything changed for her and her family. She and her family were on vacation when she began to have unexplainable bruising all over her body and she was experiencing external bleeding. Her family cut their vacation short to get her to the hospital to figure out what was going on. Her family was told she had Leukemia and they should take her home and make her comfortable because she would likely die within two weeks. Aplastic Anemia is not a cancer, but it behaves very much like one. At the time Ms. Caroline and her family lived in New York, but were referred to a hospital in Boston that had experience with Aplastic Anemia. This hospital disputed her original diagnosis of Leukemia and they proved to be a lifeline for her. She and her family had to travel to Boston every week. At that time a new drug, Cortisone (a steroid) was introduced on the market that literally saved her life.
Week in and week out they traveled to Boston. There were times her platelets were extremely low and she required blood tranfusions. At one point her platelets were continuously dropping and there was mention of possibly needing a bone marrow transplant. Her platelets began to slowly increase and her family never had to consider or endure a bone marrow transplant. Ms. Caroline remembers the isolation, not being allowed to attend school and being tutored at home. Miraculously within one year of the initial diagnosis she was declared cured. Initially they were told she would need at least a five year clearance before she would be considered free and clear of Aplastic Anemia. She returned the following year for a checkup and was released from care and she never had another issue or incident.
It was very refreshing to speak with Ms. Caroline. It was her desire to reach out to be a encouragement and support to us during this time. She was much to young to to understand the hard facts and logistics of her illness, but she understands as a child how difficult a diagnosis like this is. She recognizes as parents the toll it takes and how hard it is to watch your child endure this illness. When she saw the piece on Channel 12 she called her Mom and her mother was able to recount a lot of the details for her. I began to share the highlights of our journey thus far and it helped her to connect the dots in some of the unexplained areas of her diagnosis. There is so much information that wasn't known or available about Aplastic Anemia back then.
In most instances, unless its inherited, Aplastic Anemia is considered a idiopathic disease. Basically the origin of it is unknown. It is believed when you have a series of illnesses/viruses the body is fighting, coupled with medications the body can get confused and begin to fight off all cells even the necessary ones. Ms. Caroline recounted prior to being diagnosed that she'd had a terrible case of the Mumps. At that time there were no vaccinations for it, but it made her wonder during the two weeks her body was battling the Mumps if something similar to this had occurred. My very intelligent and resourceful husband recalls reading about some strain of a virus or bacteria associated with the Mumps that and other infections that is believed to cause Aplastic Anemia.
Ms. Caroline told me how during her isolation she began to take piano lessons. Something she could do that didn't require much physically or by way of interaction with others. She said she enjoyed playing and went on to play with worship groups in her church and she still has the small upright piano her parents bought for her back then. Isolation requires creative ways to keep your child connected and having an activity or something they can look forward to other than visits to the clinic each week is helpful. Mireya loved taking dance, but unfortunately she will not be able to be in such a closed environment with other little ballerinas. Piano is one of those things I'd love for all of the children to do, but I know at least one of them will play. I'll have to look into that.
I am so happy Ms. Caroline reached out to us. Her story is incredible. It's awesome to hear some of her accounts as a 7 year old dealing with a life threatening illness. I don't believe anything 'just' happens. The fact that Cortisone came out the year she was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia is not by happenstance. Our paths have crossed for a reason. The Lord has allowed me to see that this could have been a very difference scenario for us. An early diagnosis, a donor, technology and medical support in the city we live in, programs, a plan, and a successful outcome are all reasons to continue to have a hope and a praise in our mouth. God is so faithful. The odds with such a illness are great. The statistics of getting to this point also have odds, but God is greater than all of them. Mireya is our 'miracle'. Mireya means 'miracle' and we had no idea when we choose her name all that was to come. To us it was a 'miracle' after so many losses to have her. Miracle has taken on yet another meaning for us. We believe wholeheartedly Ms. Caroline has been connected with us to share her story and to be a blessing and encouragement to us. She has lived beyond the few weeks of life they gave her. She overcame the odds. It is a blessing to us to 'see' Gods hand at work and we know that he will do the very same for Mireya and that she will have the opportunity at some point in her life to share her story.
We are thankful for God's continued hand of protection upon Mireya's life and physical condition. She gets stronger every day. Her counts are increasing each week. I look back to just 60 days ago and all I can say is 'Thank You Jesus'. Don't let a day go by without having an attitude of gratitude, without being grateful and thankful for where you are. Personally you may not be where you desire to be, BUT it could be worse or you could be faced with a situation where you literally have no control. God is a healer. God is a deliverer and through every challenge, obstacle or issue that comes to rob you of your peace, health, sanity and well being, He is with you. Continue to believe and trust him. Mireya is a witness. Mireya's life is a testiment of his goodness and we know without doubt he will continue to see us through.
Hebrews 12:2 We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Then he received the highest position in heaven, the one next to the throne of God. (Gods Word Translation)
Week in and week out they traveled to Boston. There were times her platelets were extremely low and she required blood tranfusions. At one point her platelets were continuously dropping and there was mention of possibly needing a bone marrow transplant. Her platelets began to slowly increase and her family never had to consider or endure a bone marrow transplant. Ms. Caroline remembers the isolation, not being allowed to attend school and being tutored at home. Miraculously within one year of the initial diagnosis she was declared cured. Initially they were told she would need at least a five year clearance before she would be considered free and clear of Aplastic Anemia. She returned the following year for a checkup and was released from care and she never had another issue or incident.
It was very refreshing to speak with Ms. Caroline. It was her desire to reach out to be a encouragement and support to us during this time. She was much to young to to understand the hard facts and logistics of her illness, but she understands as a child how difficult a diagnosis like this is. She recognizes as parents the toll it takes and how hard it is to watch your child endure this illness. When she saw the piece on Channel 12 she called her Mom and her mother was able to recount a lot of the details for her. I began to share the highlights of our journey thus far and it helped her to connect the dots in some of the unexplained areas of her diagnosis. There is so much information that wasn't known or available about Aplastic Anemia back then.
In most instances, unless its inherited, Aplastic Anemia is considered a idiopathic disease. Basically the origin of it is unknown. It is believed when you have a series of illnesses/viruses the body is fighting, coupled with medications the body can get confused and begin to fight off all cells even the necessary ones. Ms. Caroline recounted prior to being diagnosed that she'd had a terrible case of the Mumps. At that time there were no vaccinations for it, but it made her wonder during the two weeks her body was battling the Mumps if something similar to this had occurred. My very intelligent and resourceful husband recalls reading about some strain of a virus or bacteria associated with the Mumps that and other infections that is believed to cause Aplastic Anemia.
Ms. Caroline told me how during her isolation she began to take piano lessons. Something she could do that didn't require much physically or by way of interaction with others. She said she enjoyed playing and went on to play with worship groups in her church and she still has the small upright piano her parents bought for her back then. Isolation requires creative ways to keep your child connected and having an activity or something they can look forward to other than visits to the clinic each week is helpful. Mireya loved taking dance, but unfortunately she will not be able to be in such a closed environment with other little ballerinas. Piano is one of those things I'd love for all of the children to do, but I know at least one of them will play. I'll have to look into that.
I am so happy Ms. Caroline reached out to us. Her story is incredible. It's awesome to hear some of her accounts as a 7 year old dealing with a life threatening illness. I don't believe anything 'just' happens. The fact that Cortisone came out the year she was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia is not by happenstance. Our paths have crossed for a reason. The Lord has allowed me to see that this could have been a very difference scenario for us. An early diagnosis, a donor, technology and medical support in the city we live in, programs, a plan, and a successful outcome are all reasons to continue to have a hope and a praise in our mouth. God is so faithful. The odds with such a illness are great. The statistics of getting to this point also have odds, but God is greater than all of them. Mireya is our 'miracle'. Mireya means 'miracle' and we had no idea when we choose her name all that was to come. To us it was a 'miracle' after so many losses to have her. Miracle has taken on yet another meaning for us. We believe wholeheartedly Ms. Caroline has been connected with us to share her story and to be a blessing and encouragement to us. She has lived beyond the few weeks of life they gave her. She overcame the odds. It is a blessing to us to 'see' Gods hand at work and we know that he will do the very same for Mireya and that she will have the opportunity at some point in her life to share her story.
We are thankful for God's continued hand of protection upon Mireya's life and physical condition. She gets stronger every day. Her counts are increasing each week. I look back to just 60 days ago and all I can say is 'Thank You Jesus'. Don't let a day go by without having an attitude of gratitude, without being grateful and thankful for where you are. Personally you may not be where you desire to be, BUT it could be worse or you could be faced with a situation where you literally have no control. God is a healer. God is a deliverer and through every challenge, obstacle or issue that comes to rob you of your peace, health, sanity and well being, He is with you. Continue to believe and trust him. Mireya is a witness. Mireya's life is a testiment of his goodness and we know without doubt he will continue to see us through.
Hebrews 12:2 We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Then he received the highest position in heaven, the one next to the throne of God. (Gods Word Translation)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Visiting the Isolated & Shut In
We've had a few really fun visits over the last week. Our friends the Woods are in town and it goes without saying that we will find our way together before they hit the road. Rebound and recovery did not stop the visit this go around. Technically we did see one another, but so much is going on in both our lives, we just needed to connect and catch up.
Derek has been one of Mireya's favorite people every since she was a baby. Reya would allow very few people to hold her, but Derek was one that she would always open her arms to. They had a very special bond, but haven't seen each other in such a long time. Well time and distance didn't diminish that connection. Within no time they were connected at the hip, which little Ms. Nadia was not amused by in the least. There is always lots of smiles, laughter and comedy when we get together. We miss having them here. The parameters of the Military Life have seemingly changed, or perhaps it's just that I was not all up in the flow since I was just the military brat (i say that affectionately). We are praying and believing for God's best as they prepare for the next phase of life in the military. They joined us for the dance par-tay and the girls have inducted a new princess to the crew...little Ms. Nadia. We had such a great time hanging out with them.
We also got to hang out with our friends the Yangsters. Our kids love, love, love getting together. The summer has gone by and we've only seen each other a handful of times. We grabbed their favorite chinese noodles (lo mein) and hung out for the afternoon until sweet baby girl Quinn was ready to nap. Jalen and Tien were fully engaged. They both love all things Star Wars and Legos so they had plenty to keep them occupied. I don't know who was happier me or the kids. Care and I sat and chatted. We laughed, we cried and I got two baskets of laundry folded. Now that's productivity! It was so great to see Reya and Mays play. She loved every minute of it and I loved that she actually had 'play time' with one of her friends. We've been so guarded with visits (rightfully so), it was so good to make arrangements for this time, mask, sanitizer and all.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
On the Radio

The time went by so quickly, I honestly don't remember much of what we said, but #TeamBolton tag teamed it and the goal of 5 calls for our time slot was surpassed. Everyone told us we did a great job on air. We were happy to have the chance to share Mireya's story, but also to highlight how wonderful Children's Hospital has been to and for us throughout this entire journey of Mireya's illness. Thank you to those that tuned in and a special 'thank you' if you were able to make a donation for this awesome event. Over $132,000 was raised, all of which goes directly to the hospital to continue being a blessing to us and so many like us that also have a story and a journey.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Smooth Sailing
I was a bit concerned about the treatment based on all the precautions, but Mireya did great. The therapist was in awe of how well Reya did. She is our Warrior Princess! The process took about an hour and a half but mostly due to coordinating the dosing with her physicians. She had no issues with how the medication was administered or any immediate effects from receiving it. Mireya has been on an antibiotic for this terrible cough for a few days now and it is beginning to clear up. Thank you Lord! We will be scheduled for this respiratory treatment every 28 days until further notice. I'm believing it will continue to be smooth sailing with no issues.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Sunday of Summer
A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook that August is the 'Sunday of Summer'. A perfectly coined phrase, that is so true. This has been all but a normal summer for us. Summer time is truly our fun time. We were sidelined and missed doing so many things, BUT I'm so thankful this summer for a diagnosis, the power of prayer, a donor match, for capable and caring hands to oversee this medical process, the ability for either of us to be at our daughter's bedside every day, meals to feed my family whether we were at home or at the hospital, cards, care packages, phone calls, text messages and emails of support, seeds sown, playdates for Jalen and care for Makinley that allowed us to attend to the business at hand. I'm grateful for Mireya's phenomenal progress and the things we 'have' been able to enjoy as a family despite the circumstances.
I don't know where I'd be without friendship, family, or my husband. You will never know the magnitude of how much you've blessed us. There are no words. Most importantly we'd be nothing without Christ at the center of all of this. His love for us is so tremendous!!! As the 'Sunday of Summer' ends we look forward to reaching our '100 Day' mark and ultimately one year from today looking at a totally cured and healed little girl who will have the ability to do 'EVERYTHING' she couldn't do this year and even more! Funny how life can change in an instance. The most beautiful part has been enduring these changes surrounded by unity and love.
Hebrews 10:23-24 Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out.
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