Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Campus & Community ~ Changing Lives

#TeamBolton & VSU President Dr. Keith Miller

Be The Match Team
Lovely Ladies of The Links Inc.
We spent some time this morning participating in a cause and effort very dear to our hearts.  I've blogged several times about Be the Match, an organization transplanting hope into the lives of individuals and families in need a bone marrow transplants.

My husband oversees Web and Technology Services at Virginia State.  The Drive was scheduled at the University to benefit a local 12 year old boy diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia in need of a transplant.  Without hesitation, we both knew we had to actively participate.  It all starts at the top....VSU President Miller arrived to help kick-off the drive and show his support of this campus and community partnership.  The Petersburg Chapter of Links Incorporated was on site to volunteer and help facilitate the process, along with the Be the Match Team and representatives from a local Sickle Cell Anemia Organization.

I'm believing that the VSU community will continue to show up and respond to this event today. Finding a match in my own household saved my daughter's life and I want to help those in the same situation have more donors available.  Please visit http://marrow.org/Home.aspx and join the registry or see how you can become involved with this organization and potentially change the life of this little boy or someone else in need of a bone marrow transplant.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Magnificent Grace

Five pictures worth a thousand words each and more.  So thankful for the grace of God that kept us in our right minds and with a measure of peace in the midst of a situation where we were often overwhelmed.  In the words of Marvin Sapp 'never would have made it without you'....we felt powerless, but not without hope, knowing God is/was able to turn our situation around in an instant.  The manifestation was not instant, but we kept trusting and believing and as a result, lives were touched and our faith increased exponentially.

We walk by faith and not by sight ~ the things we've seen and experienced over these last few years have given us a greater appreciation for life and those in our lives, but also showed us to keep things in God's perspective (what does God say about my situation) and to never, ever give up hope.  Mireya is our Warrior Princess, our son our Hero.  Every time we see this beautiful smile and think of his selfless love, it reminds us of God's love for us.  Thank you Father for your faithfulness towards us!!!!

Exodus 23:25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God and he shall bless thy bread and thy water and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.