Madness has attempted to infiltrate the camp. At this point, we don't have time for illness or o-sis (as in diagnosis) in the #TeamBolton household. Any type of illness would be very damaging to the progress Mireya's body is making. These last few weeks have been filled with doctor visits, labs, shots and several follow-ups for a few members of #TeamBolton. As a result, it has been suggested that those of us on the wrong side of wellness be removed from the house until we are better to keep Mireya from getting sick (a serious request). That is a very tall order and not our reality, so we've done the best we can to keep her healthy and get everyone else well. OCD on handwashing, extensive Lysol spraying, mask wearing and keeping the kids separated. The last task is hard to manage because the children love being together.
We've had good weeks and better weeks, this week was acceptable. Mireya's counts have taken a few dips over the last week or so. Her Medical team scheduled her to have a bone marrow biopsy because they were concerned about the drop in counts. We received the call late on a Thursday and were scheduled for the procedure on that following Monday. I prayed and asked the Lord to please work it out in the allotted 4 days, because I did not want Mireya to have to be put to sleep to have another bone chip removed from her hip (she barely has hips).
Having a biopsy done at this point was questionable for us (not to mention not wanting to sit through it again). Don't get me wrong, we will do what is necessary to ensure we're on top of her care, but having 19+ months of experience with the ups and downs of counts will cause you to interject when your not totally in agreement with what is being proposed. We looked at where we are now as opposed to where we were this time in the process last year. We considered the trending of counts and what her body' is' actually doing on it's own. We appreciate everyone being extra cautious to ensure no ball is dropped and no avenue overlooked, but it seemed to us, considering all things, that the biopsy was not needed. A great encouragement is seeing her body make platelets. Remembering those days when we had less than 5K and to see them thriving and holding in excess of 250k. God is good!!!
The Head of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology has been doing rounds and out of the clinic rotation for about 5 weeks. She had not seen Reya since that time, but after reviewing everything, she was of the same impression as the #TeamBolton duo. She agreed the procedure would not be necessary if we had 'acceptable' counts. On that 4th day, we had acceptable counts (Praise God) and were able to avoid having the biopsy. We continue to believe Mireya's body will respond favorably and align itself with the word and prayers that have and are going forth for total healing and victory. We have about twelve more months of treatment until Mireya's immune system is totally reconstituted. That initial call about the biopsy, set us back for a moment, but we settled in our hearts we were not going to 'worry' or 'stress' about it. We know nothing is too hard for God and he will continue to be with us until the the end. Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers.